This state-of-the-art s/TEM, incorporating a probe spherical aberration corrector for electron optic system and the maximum level of electrical and mechanical stability, has achieved a scanning transmission image (STEM-HAADF) resolution of 0.078 nm, the highest in the world among the commercial transmission electron microscopes. The electron probe, after its aberrations are corrected, features a current density level higher by an order of magnitude than conventional transmission electron microscopes. With this probe finely focused, the ARM200cF is capable of atomic level analysis. It operates at 200kV, 120kV and 80kV.
Auxiliary Equipment
- Electron Source: cold field emission gun
- GIF QuantumSE™ Imaging Filter upgraded with 1 μs electrostatic fast shutter and fast camera
- Gatan BF/DF, HAADF STEM detectors
- JEOL BF, HAADF STEM detectors
- Gatan Orius Model 830 SC200 CCD 2kx2k camera
- Gatan UltraScan™ 4000 4kx4k CCD camera
- Gatan GIF 2kx2k camera
- EDAX Si(Li) 30 mm2 energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy detector
- JEOL backscattered SE detector
- X, Y and Z piezo-stage controls
- Remote operation control
- Operating voltage: 200 kV, 120 kV and 80 kV