Discovery Days: Funding Your Vision
WedNesday OCTOBER 9, 2024 | 9:00 - 11:00 Am
Psychology Building A, Room 211
Join us for this Discovery Days workshop! This is Part 1 of a 2-part series, which will continue later in the Fall semester.
For Funding Your Vision: Strategies For Success, we'll discuss grant writing basics and tips for telling your story and conveying the impact of your research and creative activities. We'll also hear from a panel of FSU faculty across a variety of disciplines on their experiences with grant writing and speaking to different audiences (i.e., funding agencies). Importantly, we'll include perspectives from faculty at different career stages.
Learning Objectives:
- Proposal Writing Tips: Participants will be able to understand the critical components of any proposal.
- Case Studies and Best Practices: Participants will learn best practices from faculty in diverse research areas and stages in their career who have had success securing funding.
The intended audience for this panel presentation includes faculty researchers, postdoctoral trainees, and graduate students.
Speaker Information:
This workshop will be moderated by Beth Hodges, Director of Research Development. Questions? Please email bhodges@fsu.edu.

Dr. Joe Watso
Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences
Joseph Watso, PhD, is a third-year Assistant Professor in the Department of Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. Dr. Watso directs the Cardiovascular and Applied Physiology (CAP) Laboratory, which builds knowledge on lifestyle factors to optimize cardiovascular health. He has had success with extramural funding as both a principal investigator and a co-investigator, including two career development awards to launch his independent research program. Funding entities include the American Heart Association, American Physiological Society, Compound Solutions, Department of Defense - United States Army, National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Watermelon Promotion Board, Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and Western States Endurance Run Research Committee.

Dr. Antje Muntendam
Associate Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics
Antje Muntendam, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Linguistics and Spanish in the College of Arts and Sciences at Florida State University. Her main research interests lie in language contact and bilingualism, with a particular focus on cross-linguistic influence and code-switching. Her research spans several sub-disciplines of linguistics, including phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics. Dr. Muntendam has conducted research on various language pairs (e.g., Spanish and English) in both the lab and fieldwork settings. Currently, she is leading an NSF-funded project titled “Linguistic outcomes of contact across the Andes: The production and perception of Quechua and Spanish intonation.” In addition to her current research, she has experience applying to and reviewing applications for several funding agencies in Europe and the United States, including the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), the Dutch Research Council (NWO), Language Learning, and the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Dr. Chris Uejio
Professor, Department of Geography and Public Health Program
Christopher Uejio, PhD, is a Professor of Geography and Public Health in the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy at Florida State University. He also holds an appointment in Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine. Dr. Uejio's research examines health disparities, resilience, climate change, and human health in North America. This portfolio focuses on environmental health (e.g., extreme heat events), infectious diseases (e.g., mosquito transmitted, waterborne diseases), and interventions to build societal resilience (e.g., Building Resilience Against Climate Effects [BRACE] Framework). This work has been funded by multiple U.S. federal (NASA, CDC, EPA, NSF, NOAA, NIH), state, and non-profit institutions (National Academies Gulf Research Program, Wellcome Trust).

Dr. Laura Greene
Professor, Department of Physics
Chief Scientist, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Laura Greene, PhD, is the Marie Krafft Professor of Physics at Florida State University and Chief Scientist at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab). Dr. Greene is an expert in quantum mechanics known for her discoveries and research in unconventional superconducting materials and high magnetic fields. She has been a member of the National Academy of Sciences since 2006 and was appointed to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology in 2021. Her work has been consistently funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) over the last 30 years.