Fall 2022 Biosketch Workshop Series
Join the Office of Research Development and the FSU Libraries for a two-part workshop series focused on strengthening your biosketch. You may have heard that the National Science Foundation (NSF) will be requiring investigators to use SciENcv to create and attach their biosketches to new proposals starting in 2023, with other federal agencies (e.g., National Institutes of Health, NIH) to follow soon after. We want to equip you with all of the tools you'll need before this change takes effect next year.
Part 1: Crafting a Competitive Biosketch
Thursday October 20th | 11 am - 12:30 pm | Zoom
This session will include a virtual tutorial through the MyNCBI, ORCiD, and SciENcv platforms, including efficient ways to import your citations and a how-to demonstration for creating and exporting NIH and NSF biosketches. We'll also hear tips from senior FSU researchers on best practices for tailoring your biosketch to the funding opportunity and presenting yourself and your science as strongly as possible.
If you have not done so already, be sure to create accounts in MyNCBI and ORCiD before the virtual session. This will allow you to click along with us and start creating the biosketch for your next proposal!
Thank you for joining us for Part 1! The recording is now available in our On Demand Learning Portal.
Part 2: Bring Your Own Biosketch (BYOB)
Thursday December 8th | 10 - 11:30 am | Dirac Science Library, Conference Room 216
Now that you've had time to practice using SciENcv, it's time to get some feedback on your biosketch. Join us and other FSU researchers for a Peer Review Cafe with coffee and tea. We will gather scientists from all career levels who are developing proposals for NIH and NSF, and ensure that each attendee leaves with the most competitive biosketch possible.
Speaker Information:
This workshop series will be led by Nicole Viverito, Research Development Coordinator for Health and Life Sciences, Renaine Julian, Director of STEM Libraries, and Semhal Redda, Academic Health Data Librarian at Florida State.
Questions? Please contact Nicole Viverito.