Data Management Plans 101
April 23rd, 2020
A data management plan (DMP) is a formal document that outlines how you plan to handle your data both during your research project and after your project is complete. The need for robust DMPs has increased, with more federal and private funding agencies requiring DMPs in their grant applications. So how do you create a DMP? STEM Data and Research Librarian Nick Ruhs will walk us through what DMPs are, resources that are available to help craft DMPs, how to create them, and examples of DMPs for specific funding agencies, including NIH, NSF, and NEA/NEH.
About the Speaker

Dr. Nick Ruhs is the STEM Data and Research Librarian at Florida State University. He leads the development of data services for FSU STEM scholars and provides support related to research data management and data information literacy. He is also a subject librarian and provides research and instructional support for the Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Statistics, Computer Science, and Scientific Computing departments at FSU.