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Infographics Workshop


Infographics are an important tool for communicating a complex story quickly.  Visuals can also draw attention to key messages or explain multi-step processes in the blink of an eye. But creating charts and infographics can be time-consuming and confusing. This workshop will provide techniques and practical approaches for creating effective infographics.  

Paul Marty (School of Information) and Ken Armstrong (Program in Interdisciplinary Computing) will share their expertise on creating effective data visualization.  Topics will include:

  • Why data visualization is so important
  • A demonstration of some tools that are used to make infographics
  • A hands-on experience where participants are encouraged to bring example data sets to create real-time infographics 

Please bring example data sets – exploration during the presentation is highly encouraged!


When: July 26, 2016 from 2:00-3:30pm
Where: Rovetta Building B - room 113


Please contact Kate Herron ( with any questions.