Funding Your Vision: Don't Forget the Details
TUEsday OCTOBER 29, 2024 | 9:00 - 11:00 Am
Center For Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) Conference Room
Join us for Part 2 of our Funding Your Vision series, which kicked off during Discovery Days.
For Funding Your Vision: Don't Forget the Details, we'll dive into the smaller details that will ensure your proposal meets agency requirements. We'll also cover the logistics of getting your proposal submitted to the funding agency.
Learning Objectives:
- Budget and Budget Justification
- Biographical Sketches using SciENcv
- Human Subjects Forms
- Submitting Your Proposal in RAMP
The intended audience for this panel presentation includes faculty researchers, postdoctoral trainees, and graduate students.
Speaker Information:
This workshop will be moderated by Beth Hodges, Director of Research Development. Questions? Please email bhodges@fsu.edu. Speakers will include perspectives from Departmental Grants Staff, Research Development Staff, the Office of Human Subjects Protection, and the Division of Research RAMP Support Staff.