Social Health
Spring, 2021
Understanding the interaction between our social systems and individual health outcomes.
Special Presentation
Collaborative Collisions: Integration of the Behavioral and Social Sciences at the NIH
William (Bill) Riley, Ph.D. is the Associate Director for Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, and Director of the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Under his leadership, the OBSSR instituted its third and current strategic plan, which reflects key research challenges that the Office is uniquely positioned to address over the next five years, along with four foundational processes to enhance and support these scientific priorities as well as the OBSSR’s broader mission.
Collaborative Collision focuses on the individual's research background and interests. Our events allow faculty to discuss their expertise, and specific ways they can help, or be helped by, a collaborator.

Who attended?
Collaborative Collision: Social Health featured presentations from members of the FSU research community who have completed or are conducting research related to social determinants and impacts to health. Participants came from a variety of STEM, Medicine, Social Sciences, and Arts and Humanities disciplines, united by their interest in understanding and improving the human condition.
First Name |
Last Name |
Affiliation |
Laurie | Abbott | labbott@fsu.edu | College of Nursing |
Adam (Dr. B) | Baptiste | ADAM.BAPTISTE@MED.FSU.EDU | Behavioral Health and Social Sciences |
Patricia | Born | pborn@business.fsu.edu | Risk Management/Insurance, Real Estate and Legal Studies |
Hongyuan | Cao | hcao@fsu.edu | Statistics |
Krissy | Capitano | kcapitano@fsu.edu | OCRA |
Sabrina | Dickey | sldickey@fsu.edu | Nursing |
Jamil | Drake | jdrake@fsu.edu | Religion Department |
Laurelin | Haas | lhaas@fsu.edu | Sustainable Campus |
Liz | Hammock | ehammock@fsu.edu | FSU Faculty |
Zhe | He | zhe@fsu.edu | School of Information |
Shuyuan | Ho | smho@fsu.edu | Information |
Fengfeng | Ke | fke@fsu.edu | Educational Psychology and Learning Systems |
Lichun | Li | lichunli@eng.famu.fsu.edu | FAMU-FSU College of Engineering |
April | Lovett | april.lovett@fsu.edu | FSU Libraries |
Yi | Luo | yLuo6@fsu.edu | Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine |
Laura | McTighe | Lmctighe@fsu.edu | Religion |
Patrick | Merle | pmerle@fsu.edu | School of Communication |
Alexandra "Xan" | Nowakowski | xnowakowski@fsu.edu | College of Medicine - Geriatrics / Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine |
Lara | Perez-Felkner | lperezfelkner@fsu.edu | Educational Leadership and Policy Studies |
Scott | Pickett | scott.pickett@med.fsu.edu | Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine, Center for Translational Behavioral Science |
Stephen | Quintero | stephen.quintero@med.fsu.edu | Family Medicine and Rural Health |
Melissa | Radey | mradey@fsu.edu | Social Work |
Blake Barton | Renfro | brenfro@business.fsu.edu | College of Business, DeSantis Center |
Joseph | Schwartz | jaschwartz@fsu.edu | College of Criminology and Criminal Justice |
Derrick | Stephens | dstephens@fsu.edu | Center for Behavioral Health Intergration / College of Medicine |
Miles | Taylor | mtaylor3@fsu.edu | Sociology and Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy |
Frankie | Wong | fwong@fsu.edu | Center for Population Sciences |
Tingting | Zhao | tzhao@fsu.edu | Department of Geography |