Mental and Emotional Health
Spring, 2021
Exploring the brain, psychological and emotional wellbeing, and individual behavior.
Collaborative Collision: Mental and Emotional Health featured two special presentations on Health initiatives at FSU
Dr. Jeffrey Joyce, Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies in the FSU College of Medicine, joins us to discuss the UF-FSU CTSA program.
Angela Chong, J.D. is the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs at FSU and leads the Healthy Campus 2030 Initiative. Angela joins us to discuss opportunities for researchers to engaged with Healthy Campus 2030
Collaborative Collision focuses on the individual's research background and interests. Our Research Profiles discuss each participant's expertise, and specific ways they can help, or be helped by, a collaborator.

Who attended?
Collaborative Collision: Mental and Emotional Health featured presentations from members of the FSU research community who have completed or are conducting research related to mental and emotional wellness, and individual behavior. Participants came from a variety of STEM, Medicine, Social Sciences, and Arts and Humanities disciplines, united by their interest in understanding and improving the human condition.
First Name |
Last Name |
Affiliation |
Amy L. | Ai | amyai8@gmail.com | CSW |
Adam (Dr. B) | Baptiste | ADAM.BAPTISTE@MED.FSU.EDU | Behavioral Health and Social Sciences |
leslie | beitsch | les.beitsch@med.fsu.edu | College of Medicine |
Hongyuan | Cao | hcao@fsu.edu | Statistics |
Krissy | Capitano | kcapitano@fsu.edu | OCRA |
Shayok | Chakraborty | shayok@cs.fsu.edu | Computer Science |
Colm | Connolly | cconnolly@fsu.edu | Biomedical Sciences/Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility |
Scott-King | Dickey | sldickey@fsu.edu | Nursing |
Hannah | Fazio | hfazio@fsu.edu | Theatre Studies |
Heather | Flynn | Heather.Flynn@med.fsu.edu | BSSM - College of Medicine |
Lucinda | Graven | lgraven@fsu.edu | Nursing |
Beth | Hodges | bhodges@fsu.edu | Office of Research Development |
Chao | Huang | chuang7@fsu.edu | Statistics |
Monica | Hurdal | mhurdal@math.fsu.edu | Mathematics |
Kevin | Johnson | kjohnson21@fsu.edu | BSSM |
Fengfeng | Ke | fke@fsu.edu | Educational Psychology and Learning Systems |
Amy | Kim | kamy@fsu.edu | Sport Management |
F. Andrew | Kozel | andrew.kozel@med.fsu.edu | Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine - College of Medicine |
Lichun | Li | lichunli@eng.famu.fsu.edu | FAMU-FSU College of Engineering |
April | Lovett | april.lovett@fsu.edu | FSU Libraries |
Elizabeth | Madden | ebmadden@fsu.edu | School of Communication Science and Disorders |
Patrick | Merle | pmerle@fsu.edu | School of Communication |
Meghan | Mick | mmick@fsu.edu | Interior Architecture and Design |
Debra | Osborn | dosborn@fsu.edu | Educational Psychology and Learning Systems |
Eren | Ozguven | eozguven@eng.famu.fsu.edu | FAMU-FSU College of Engineering |
Barbara | Parker-Bell | bparkerbell@fsu.edu | Art Education |
Lara | Perez-Felkner | lperezfelkner@fsu.edu | Educational Leadership and Policy Studies |
Scott | Pickett | scott.pickett@med.fsu.edu | Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine, Center for Translational Behavioral Science |
Joseph | Schwartz | jaschwartz@fsu.edu | College of Criminology and Criminal Justice |
Gregg | Stanwood | gregg.stanwood@med.fsu.edu | Biomedical Sciences |
Derrick | Stephens | dstephens@fsu.edu | Center for Behavioral Health Intergration / College of Medicine |
Nicki | Taylor | nicki.taylor@med.fsu.edu | CoM BSSM |
Qiong (Joanna) | Wu | qwu3@fsu.edu | Family & Child Sciences |