OPD Workshops
Our office has had a busy couple of weeks hosting workshops!
Council on Research and Creativity (CRC) Workshop
On September 9, we held the annual fall Council on Research and Creativity (CRC) workshop. Grace Adkison, the new CRC Coordinator led the workshop to discuss the 8 grant programs and 3 honorary awards that the CRC offers. The workshop can be viewed here.
Basics of Grant Writing – NIH
On September 16, Mike Mitchell from OPD facilitated a workshop for faculty in all disciplines on the basics of grant writing. Joe Grzywacz from Family and Child Sciences and Alan Spector from Neuroscience then led concurrent breakout sessions specifically for faculty who were interested in applying to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The PowerPoints can be accessed here under “Past Workshop Materials” for anyone unable to attend.
Funding Your Arts and Humanities Activities: A Discussion with Florida Funding Agencies
Diane Wakeman from the Florida Humanities Council, Kevin Carr from the Council on Culture and Arts (COCA) and Hillary Crawford and Sarah Stage from the Division of Cultural Affairs led a workshop for our Arts & Humanities faculty on September 23 about ways to partner and potential funding opportunities with their respective agencies. The video can be accessed here.
Our upcoming workshops include the Basics of Grant Writing Workshop again but with NSF breakout sessions on October 14 and a Data Management Workshop on October 21.
If you have a suggestion for a potential workshop you’d like to see the Office of Proposal Development have, please contact Kate Herron.