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Pre- Submission Consultation

The Pre-Submission Specialist serves as a resource for student and faculty investigators proposing to conduct research involving human subjects. The pre-submission process covers knowledge of applicable federal regulations related to all human subjects submissions, and other local, state, or international regulations applicable. Pre-Submission consultation may include assistance in the preparation, completion and submission of protocols, assistance in using RAMP IRB, and education related to your study’s administrative requirements. The consultation process serves as a proactive resource for research teams in ensuring compliance and supporting reduction in overall review times.


  • Consultation- comprehensive support in one or more sessions to navigate the pre-submission process including clarification requests (referrals may also be made by IRB reviewers or faculty advisors for consultation services)
  • Study Document Review- comprehensive document review which may include protocol, consent forms, regulatory binders, data collection materials
  • One-time Meeting- 1:1 zoom meeting to discuss questions you may have regarding policies and regulations, the pre-submission process, or your study
  • Education Session- training sessions or workshops for faculty, students, and other university research constituents (provided during normal working hours)

Common Pre-submission requests:

  • “I am a first-time researcher needing assistance with using RAMP IRB.”
  • “I am developing a survey and am unsure what to submit to the IRB.”
  • “I am developing a funded study and need support navigating applicable documents and regulations.”

How to Contact:

  • To request pre-submission consultation support or services, please schedule an appointment using the Microsoft Bookings link below, or contact Brynn Watson, IRB Pre-Submission Specialist, at 850-644-5559, or