Directions for Registering for CITI Humans Subjects Research Training
At FSU, the CITI human subjects research training is available to faculty, students, and staff members who are affiliated with FSU and who have an interest in or who are required to take such training. This training is made available without cost to affiliates of the University through its contract with the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) which provides online training in areas such as human subjects’ protection, Good Clinical Practice, the responsible conduct of research, and the care and use of animals in research.
Section I. For NEW CITI USERS (i.e., for persons who have not previously registered for any CITI program), follow the directions below to register for to create a CITI profile and account. Note the CITI Program main page links to the Getting Started Guide and video and the CITI Support Center which provide new and existing CITI users with detailed information about the CITI program and navigating the CITI site. The registration process can be cumbersome, so consider printing out and then carefully following the instructions and directions below while you are registering. If you wish later to take optional modules or alter your registration, please do so AFTER completing the registration below for the required modules. For existing CITI users, see Section II below.
Proceed to register as follows:
- Open a browser, such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
- Enter into the address line.
The CITI Program home page will open. Near the top of the page, locate and click the Register button in order to create an account and access CITI courses.
- In Step 1, when asked to “Select Your Organization Affiliation”, type in “Florida State University.” When “Florida State University” appears in the results, click it. The following message may appear: “Florida State University only allows the use of a CITI Program username/password for access. You will create this username and password in step 2 of registration.” Check to agree to the CITI terms of service and privacy policy, then when it appears, check that you affirm that you are an affiliate of Florida State University; the “Create a CITI Program account button will appear—click this button to proceed to Step 2.
- In Step 2, enter required fields for “Personal Information” including your FSU email address. Use of your FSU email usually (there are exceptions) allows a nightly sync between CITI and RAMP IRB so that any course completion is automatically documented in the RAMP IRB system. Note that if you do not affiliate with Florida State University and use your FSU email address, the IRB will not be able to confirm completion of any required CITI training. You may elect to enter a secondary email for recovery purposes. When done, click the “Continue to Step 3” button.
- For Step 3, follow the directions for entering a user name, password and security question. Be certain to remember these for your future reference. You will need your user name and password later in the registration process and every time you login. When done, click the “Continue to Step 4” button.
- For Step 4, follow the directions for entering your country of residence and indicating your agreement to be contacted after completion of CITI Program coursework. When done, click the “Continue to Step 5” button.
- For Step 5, you will be asked about continuing education credits; this is a required step, so be sure to click an answer. If you click “Yes” then you must check the type of desired continuing education credits. Then done, click the “Continue to Step 6” button.
- For Step 6, you will be asked to provide “information requested by Florida State University. Not all fields are required; the only required fields (*) are your FSU email address, department (type in) and role (select from a pull-down list; you are only able to select one role, so choose a role that best describes your primary research-related responsibility or the role in research for which the CITI course is required). When done, click the “Continue to Step 7” button.
- Step 7 will read “Select Curriculum”.
- A lengthy list of questions will appear, allowing you to select a required course required by the IRB or other courses of interest.
- For IRB review and approval of human research, one or more courses may be required; if you are required to complete a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) course, scroll down to Question 6; this asks if you are required to complete a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) course. IF you are conducting a federal agency-supported (e.g., NIH funded clinical trial) or FDA regulated clinical trial, you must select either the "GCP for Clinical Trials with Investigational Drugs and Medical Devices (U.S. FDA Focus)" or "GCP - Social and Behavioral Research Best Practices for Clinical Research" course, as may be applicable depending on your study focus and activities.
- Scroll to the question that asks if you are required or instructed by the IRB to complete the Human Subjects Research (HSR) Training. Depending on your study focus and activities, select either the “FSU Faculty, Staff, and Students-Biomedical/Clinical” OR “FSU Faculty, Staff and Students-Social/Behavioral course options.
- If your study involves (1) basic, medical or clinical research studies that involve health-related interventions; (2) use of pharmaceutical or controlled drugs, devices, biologics, dietary/nutritional supplements or combination products; (3) a clinical trial; or (4) collection and use of human biological specimens, then select the “FSU Faculty, Staff, and Students-Biomedical/Clinical” course.
- For courses that may not be required by the IRB, a forced response may be required (e.g., “Not at this time;” “No”; etc.); respond as you wish. You will not be able to complete the CITI Program registration if you do complete a forced response.
- While other courses may be required by other than the IRB, you should complete this registration to be certain to complete any IRB-required courses; you may always return to the CITI Program to take courses that may be required by other FSU units or of interest to you. Note that affirmative answers to other questions will add additional courses to your CITI account. Click the “Complete Registration” button.
- When done with Step 7, click the “Complete Registration” button.
- The next screen should say provide a Welcome message as well as indicate your completion of registration. Click the “Finalize Registration” button. You should now be able to View Courses for Florida State University. Click the View Courses button to begin (“Start Now”) any of the listed CITI courses; when a course is selected, you will be required to Agree to the CITI Assurance Statement, Terms of Service and the Privacy and Cookie Policy. When you indicate agreement, click the “Submit” button to see the list of course modules. To access each module, click the “Start” button.
- Once the above required course module has been completed (with an 80% or higher score), you will be able to note your status and print your course completion materials. As earlier mentioned, your course completion status is generally and, as a courtesy to the research community, electronically reported via syncing with the RAMP IRB system IF you are affiliated with FSU and use the FSU email address. Some delays or problems syncing may occur; if so, the IRB may request that you upload copies of your CITI course completion information.
- Again, note the CITI Program main page links to the Getting Started Guide and video and the CITI Support Center which provide new and existing CITI users with detailed information about the CITI program and navigating the CITI site. You may also visit the OHSP’s CITI Training Requirements page [link] for additional information:
Click here to return to OHSP CITI Training Requirements page
SECTION II. For EXISTING CITI USERS (i.e., persons who are currently registered for any CITI program), follow the directions below to log in to the CITI Program to access training, update profile or institutional affiliation, or obtain training completion documentation. Note the CITI Program main page links to the Getting Started Guide and video and the CITI Support Center which provide new and existing CITI users with detailed information about the CITI program and navigating the CITI site. For existing CITI users, see Section I above.
Existing FSU CITI users: proceed to log in as follows to access and take a required FSU CITI course:
- Open a browser, such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
- Enter into the address line.
The CITI Program home page will open. Near the top of the page, locate and click the Log In button for returning users or users who have already registered in CITI
- Returning users must log in and use their existing CITI account—do not use the “Log in through my organization” or “Single Sign On” tabs as FSU does not utilize this CITI access function.
- When registering, updating your profile or selecting a course, affiliate with “Florida State University” as your Institutional Affiliation
- To add a required FSU CITI course:
- After logging in, under Institutional Courses, click “View Courses” next to Florida State University
- As applicable to each CITI user, a list of Active Courses, Courses Ready to Begin, Completed Courses will show. If you have previously added but not completed a required FSU CITI course, you may select that course by clicking “Start Now” button and then proceed as instructed to access and complete the course.
- To ADD A REQUIRED COURSE, scroll down to the section, “Learner Tools for Florida State University” and click “Add a Course”
- A lengthy list of questions will appear, allowing you to select a required course required by the IRB or other courses of interest.
- If you are required to complete a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) course, scroll past other Questions to the question that asks if you are required to complete a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) course. IF you are conducting a federal agency-supported (e.g., NIH funded clinical trial) or FDA regulated clinical trial, you must select either the "GCP for Clinical Trials with Investigational Drugs and Medical Devices (U.S. FDA Focus)" or "GCP - Social and Behavioral Research Best Practices for Clinical Research" course, as may be applicable depending on your study focus and activities. If you are NOT required to complete a GCP course, scroll to Question 7.
- If you are required or instructed by the IRB to complete the Human Subjects Research (HSR) Training, select the “FSU Faculty, Staff, and Students-Biomedical/Clinical” course OR the “FSU Faculty, Staff and Students-Social/Behavioral course, as may have been specified by the IRB.
- If not specified by the IRB, then consider selecting either course depending upon the primary focus of your study;
- Select the Biomedical/Clinical course for studies involving basic, medical and clinical research studies that involve health-related interventions, use of pharmaceutical or controlled drugs, devices, biologics and/or nutritional supplements, as well as collection and use of human biological specimens; or,
- Select the Social/Behavioral Course for social, behavioral and educational studies that may include a wide range of methodologies (e.g., interviews, focus groups, surveys, observation, behavioral manipulations and the use of previously collected information such as education, social service, employment, health-related or public data or records.
- For courses that may not be required by the IRB, a forced response may be required (e.g., “Not at this time;” “No”; etc.); respond as you wish. You will not be able to complete the CITI Program registration for an IRB-required course if you do complete a forced response.
- While other courses may be required by other than the IRB, you should complete this registration to be certain to access and complete any IRB-required courses; you may always return to the CITI Program to take courses that may be required by other FSU units or of interest to you. Note that affirmative answers to other questions will add additional courses to your CITI account.
- When you are done selecting a course or courses, click the “Submit” button. You will then be returned to your list of courses under Florida State University. To begin any course that you have selected, go to the “Courses Ready to Begin” section, and click the “Start Now” button for a specified course.
- Again, note the CITI Program main page links to the Getting Started Guide and video and the CITI Support Center which provide new and existing CITI users with detailed information about the CITI program and navigating the CITI site. You may also visit the OHSP’s CITI Training Requirements page [link] for additional information:
Click here to return to OHSP CITI Training Requirements page