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Rapid and Cost-Effective Isolation and Genotyping of Genomic Regions

Tech ID:
Principal Investigator:
Alan Lemmon
Licensing Manager:
  • Pending

A method of using a combination of adapter design, hairpinning and exonuclease digestion to enrich samples for target regions of the genome using minimal laboratory effort and produces DNA libraries that can be sequenced. This process allows a rapid and inexpensive way to obtain genotype data in any organism, while avoiding the primary limiting factor of multiplex PCR: primer dimer. This is more flexible in terms of the type of genomic markers that can be evaluated, including SNP, STR (micro satellites), and longer DNA sequence variations.

The technology can be used to obtain randomly distributed (unbiased) markers, or specific genomic regions. The number of regions targeted is also flexible and dramatically reduces upfront development time. Bioinformatic analyses of existing genomes or preliminary DNA sequence data can be conducted quickly to ascertain the most appropriate probes.