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D-Serine as a Modulator of Epileptic Seizures, Seizures, and Neurological Disorders

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Principal Investigator:
Sanjay Kumar

Researchers at Florida State University Medical School have determined that D-serine can be used to modulate the onset and severity of seizures resulting from epilepsy or other neurological disorders.


Dr. Kumar and his associates have recently discovered that certain brain cells express receptors to which D-serine is an antagonist. D-serine essentially shuts off the ion channels that these receptors regulate. Because these receptors are located in regions of the brain associated with neurological disorders such as seizures and epilepsy, D-serine may be used to treat such neurological disorders. D-serine can be used to modulate the regulation of ion channels and prevent the onset of and severity of seizures. This technology involves artificially administering a composition of D-serine to select regions of a patient’s brain having epilepsy or other neurological disorders causing seizures and reducing the severity or onset of seizures.