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COVID-19 FAQ for Researchers

Last Updated June 16, 2021

Mask, Social Distancing, and Vaccine Requirements

Are faculty, staff and students required to wear masks in the lab? 

While faculty, staff and students are encouraged to wear masks, they are not required.  Please see this link for additional information regarding face coverings at FSU

Can I require students and staff be vaccinated to work in my lab?

No, the state of Florida does not allow “vaccine passports” that restrict activity based on documented vaccine status. You can outline the benefits and risks of vaccines.  Whether an individual chooses to be vaccinated or not is a personal decision that must not impact how that person is treated. You can provide information on how to easily obtain a free vaccine (see 

Is social distancing still required in my lab or in my lab meeting if everyone is vaccinated?

Social distancing is still part of FSU’s campus policy, but this is evolving as more people are getting vaccinated. Please continue to follow FSU’s guidance for social distancing, and check for updates that may outline when the policy may be relaxed (see

Visitors and Travel

Can others come to campus?

Visitors can come to campus.  However, visits should be coordinated with consideration to allowing space for any social distancing requirements in place.  Please visit and for further information on current guidelines.

When will travel be allowed for research? 

Travel within the state of Florida is allowed without VP-level approval. The university restriction on out-of-state and international travel remains in place. Such travel may be allowed but it requires VP-level approval.

If I have essential research or field work, can I travel during the travel ban?

If research-related travel is necessary during the travel ban, the PI should request approval through their chair and dean to the VP of Research. The request should include details about the dates of the trip, COVID mitigation strategies to be used while traveling and at the site, and COVID protocols at the research site. If VP Fulkerson approves the travel request, send the approval to with the traveler’s name and employee ID # (if another employee’s travel card will be used include their employee name and employee ID # as well) to have your Concur Travel profile opened for the trip.

If I was awarded a CRC grant (FYAPA, Planning Grant, etc.) that included a proposal for research travel this summer or early fall, can I assume my travel has been approved by the VP of Research?

No, you should go through the process of getting approval from your chair, dean, and the VP of Research for the specific travel you plan to do to avoid any problems with reimbursement.

I got approval for research travel but my dates have changed. What do I do?

Notify your chair and dean about the change in dates. No additional approval is needed, but it is best to have your change documented with those who approved the original trip. Notify of the change in dates.

Ongoing research projects

Where can I obtain further information for the current requirements related to human subject research?

For up-to-date information on human subject research, please visit


Will international users still be allowed to use the facility? What about users from other locations from within the United States? 

Users whose research has been impacted by COVID-related restrictions are encouraged to contact their MagLab Facility Director or scientific host for further guidance.  For more information, visit the MagLab website.

New research projects

Can new research projects start?

Subject to the requirements noted above and by the funding sponsor, research projects may begin.