Alamo, Rufina; PhD
Chemical and Biomedical Eng.
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~alamo/
Research: Polymer characterization, Polymer crystallization, Physical properties of macromolecules, Structure-properties relations of polymers, Morphology of crystalline polymers.
Andrei, Petru; PhD
Electrical and Computer Eng.
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~pandrei/
Research: Nanoelectronics, magnetism and magnetic materials, computational electromagnetics
Chiorescu, Irinel; PhD
Website: http://qsd.magnet.fsu.edu/
Research: Quantum Effects at Nanoscopic Scale
Collier, John; PhD
Chemical and Biomedical Eng.
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/cbe/people/collier.html
Research: Residual Biomass to Hydrocarbons and Energy, Polymer Processing, Rheology of Viscoelastic Fluids, Textiles Processing and Properties, Whisky Processing and Properties.
El-Azab, Anter; PhD
Scientific Computing
Website: http://www.sc.fsu.edu/cmsg
Research: Microstructure and compositional changes in irradiated materials, Mesoscale deformation of metals and alloys, Defects and microstructure evolution in ceramics, Nanoscale materials and structures, Computational methods in materials science and mechanics.
Englander, Ongi; PhD
Mechanical Engineering
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~englander/
Research: A conceptual view of the micro-to-nano integrated system realized through the localized synthesis and self-assembly of 1-dimensional nanostructures.
Hellstrom, Eric; PhD
Mechanical Engineering
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/me/people/faculty/hellstromres.html
Research: Electronic ceramic materials, with an emphasis on high-temperature superconductors
Larbalestier, David PhD
Mechanical Engineering
Research: The manufacture, understanding and application of superconducting materials
Latturner, Susan; PhD
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Website: http://www.chem.fsu.edu/~latturner/
Research: Flux growth of new Intermetallics
Lenhert, Steve; PhD
Biological Sciences
Website: http://www.bio.fsu.edu/lenhertgroup/
Research: how biological molecules organize and interact on supramolecular levels to carry out a particular function, and how we recreate and control that function synthetically.
Liang, Richard PhD
Industrial and Manufact. Eng.
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/ime/index.php?page=people
Research: Composite materials and processing, Polymer materials, Multifunctional materials, Process modeling, Simulation for material processing
Liu, Tao (Ted); PhD
Industrial and Manufact. Eng.
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/ime/index.php?page=people
Research: Carbon nanotube based functional materials, Processing-structure-property relationship of polymer and polymer nanocomposites, Non-destructive optical characterization techniques
Oates, William; PhD
Mechanical Engineering
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~woates/
Research: fundamental field-coupled phenomena of adaptive materials and their integration into structures and devices
Rikvold, Per Arne; PhD
Website: http://www.physics.fsu.edu/~users/rikvold/info/rikvold.htm
Research: Theoretical materials science and condensed-matter physics, Computational statistical mechanics and its applications in materials science, chemistry, and biology.
Shanbhag, Sachin; PhD
Scientific Computing
Website: http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~sshanbhag/
Research: polymer physics, rheology, complex fluids, modeling for biological and materials applications
Shatruk, Michael; PhD
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Website: http://www.chem.fsu.edu/~shatruk/
Research: exploring new types of magnetic materials and understanding the correlation between their crystal structures and magnetic and electronic properties.
Siegrist, Theo; PhD
Chemical and Biomedical Eng.
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/cbe/people/siegrist.html
Research: Organic semiconductors, Structural analysis of nanoscale materials, Structure-property relationship in crystalline materials, Crystal growth, X-ray diffraction
Sobanjo, John; PhD
Civil and Environmental Eng.
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~sobanjo/
Research: Transportation Engineering, Construction Engineering, Infastructure Engineering & Management, GPS & GIS Applications
Strouse, Geofff; PhD
Chemistry and Biological
Website: http://www.chem.fsu.edu/~strouse/
Research: Materials at the nanoscale
Vafek, Oskar; PhD
Research: Quantum Many-body physics, Graphene, High-Tc cuprate superconductors, Quantum Criticality
Wang, Hsu-Pin (Ben); PhD
Industrial and Manufact. Eng.
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~indwang1/
Research: Environmentally conscious manufacturing, Liquid composite molding processes
Warusawithana, Maitri; PhD
Website: http://www.physics.fsu.edu/people/Personnel.asp?fn=Maitri&ln=Warusawithana&mn
Zhang, Chun (Chuck); PhD
Industrial and Manufact. Eng.
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~chzhang/
Research: Composite manufacturing, Precision manufacturing and Metrology
Zhang, Mei; PhD
Industrial and Manufact. Eng.
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/ime/index.php?page=people
Research: Nanomaterials processing and Applications
Zheng, Jianping (Jim); PhD
Electrical and Computer Eng.
Website: http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~zheng/
Research: Nanomaterial and nanotechnology, Energy storage and conversion, Photonic and chemical sensors