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ACUC Review Time Data

At a convened meeting on January 31, 2024, by unanimous vote of the quorum present, the FSU ACUC established the following submission review time goals:

  • Administrative review: less than three days
  • Amendment (Designated Member Review): less than 13 days
  • Amendment (Full Committee Review): less than 32 days
  • Protocol (Designated Member Review): less than 30 days
  • Protocol (Full Committee Review): less than 37 days

The FSU ACUC uses “Average Business Days in ACUC Review (Including Vet Review & Excluding Grace Period)” as the benchmark to evaluate goal success. The “Average Business Days in ACUC Review” metric is a direct correlate of ACUC efficiency whereas “Average Business Days from Submission to Approval” may be impacted by factors beyond the ACUC control, such as investigator response times.

For the period June 2024-December 2024, the ACUC has met and exceeded the review time goal for each submission type.

The graph below provides a comparison of ACUC review times by submission type and review method for FY22, FY23, and FY24.