Quarterly Reports
- Table Q1: 2nd Quarter FY24 vs FY25 College Comparison of Proposals (All Sources)
- Table Q2: 2nd Quarter FY24 vs FY25 College Comparison of Award Count and Dollars (All Sources)
- Table Q3: 2nd Quarter FY24 vs FY25 College Comparison of Award Count and Dollars (Federal)
- Table Q4: 2nd Quarter FY24 vs FY25 Department Comparison of Proposals (All Sources)
- Table Q5: 2nd Quarter FY24 vs FY25 Department Comparison of Award Count and Dollars (All Sources)
- Table Q6: 2nd Quarter FY24 vs FY25 Department Comparison of Award Count and Dollars (Federal)
Important note on the contract and grant productivity data - The award dollars and expenditures are allocated to colleges and departments based upon the percent credit distribution as specified in the transmittal form for each respective contract or grant. Note that in comparing proposal and award numbers from year to year there are apparent arithmetic errors in some of the calculated differences. This is due to rounding errors. Proposal and award numbers are also allocated by credit (per above) and may be fractional values by unit which were then rounded up or down.
Information pertaining to proposals and awards that have been processed through FSU's Sponsored Research Administration or the FSU Research Foundation is available on this site. Information about proposals and awards that have been processed through the FSU Foundation is NOT included in any of the attached reports.