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FSU Research Awards Report: January, 2016

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PI/Co-PI NAME Title Sponsor Name Amount
Hahn, Seung Yong 400-Mhz/60-Mm High-Resolution HTS NMR Magnet Korea Basic Science Institute $83,216
Spencer, Mercedes; Co- PI: Wagner, Richard A Latent Change Score Modeling Approach to Investigating Developmental Relations between Phonological Awareness and Decoding Ability in Early Readers National Institute of Child He $35,411
Alvi, Farrukh Active Flow Control for Turbomachinery Applications Danfoss Turbocor Compressors, Inc. $50,000
Collins, Emmanuel Adaptive Sampling Based Model Predictive Control Siemens Energy Inc $25,000
Owens, Jeremy Analysis, Evaluation and Measurement of Vanadian Isotope (D51v) Measurements In Hydrocarbon Systems ExxonMobil $5,000
Harman, Jeffrey Business Case for Employment of Hospital-Based Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: Scope of Practice, Patient Outcomes, Nurse Retention University of Florida $35,408
Green, Benjamin Certified District Manager Program 2016 Florida Association of Special Districts $13,000
Ferguson, Michael CSP Grant Tracking System 2015-2016 Tallahassee Community College $119,000
Hom, Melanie; Co- PI: Joiner, Thomas Early Graduate Student Researcher Award American Psychological Foundation $1,000
Kim, Jeong-Su; Co- PIs: Myers, Christopher; Panton, Lynn Effects of Long-Duration O2 Exposure on Muscle Performance and Oxidative Stress in Navy Divers Office of Naval Research $5,000
Zheng, Jianping Fabrication Of Lithium-Sulfur Pouch Batteries North Carolina State University $19,444
Grubbs, Ralph Field Testing An Electric Decoy To Reduce Elasmobranch Bycatch In Longline Fisheries New England Aquarium $41,071
Green, Benjamin FL Dept of Transportation 2016-2019 Contract for Certified Public Manager Training State of Florida $162,000
Switzer, Beth FY 16 Capitol Technical Center State of Florida $300,915
Turanovic, Jillian Individual, Institutional, and Community Sources of School Violence: A Meta-Analysis University of Cincinnati $54,292
Pamidi, Sastry Measurements of AC Losses in MgB2 Mini Cable Massachusetts Institute of Technology $20,000
Hoeflich, Peter Models for Interacting Supernovae: Understanding the Physics and Probing the Circumstellar Environment University of Oklahoma $38,559
Razzouk, Rabieh My Health Care Secondary Curriculum Development University of South Florida $5,000
Zinszer, Michael NOAA Annual Diver Training National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association $9,295
Fuelberg, Henry Numerically Modeling Extreme Rainfall Events Near Kennedy Space Center, FL: The Effects of Climate Change Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University $52,882
Horton, Jeffrey Public Transportation Demand Management Marketing Education and Technical Assistance Program State of Florida $172,093
Elsner, James Seasonal Tornado Forecasts Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences $61,625
Stvilia, Besiki Social Aspects of Participation in Online Research Identity Management Systems Online Computer Library Center $14,984
Morey, Steven; Co- PIs: Chassignet, Eric; Dukhovskoy, Dmitry; Hancock, Cathrine; Speer, Kevin Synthesis of Historical Observations using Novel Model Approaches to Improve Understanding and Predictability of Deep Gulf of Mexico Circulation The National Academies of Sciences $448,496
Rodgers, Ryan The State-Of-The-Art Unraveling Of The Biotic And Abiotic Chemical Evolution Of Macondo Oil: 2010-2018 Gulf of Mexico Alliance $979,637
Osteen, Philip Training Youth Services Workers to Identify, Assess, and Intervene when Working with Youth at High Risk for Suicide State of Florida $60,000
Hurt, Myra; Co- PI: Muszynski, Michael Transforming and Translating Discovery to Improve Health University of Florida $132,000
Graham, Mimi Trauma & Toxic Stress: Changing the Trajectory for Florida's Most Vulnerable Children to Help them Thrive Health Resources & Services Administration $140,000
Krishnamurti, Tiruvalam Two Decades of Variability in the Life Cycle of Asian Summer Monsoon Seasons as Seen From TRMM/GPM National Aeronautics & Space Administration $124,349