Cumulative Proposal Amounts by Fiscal Year and Funding Source
As of 01/31/2025

$ Proposed FY24 $ Proposed FY25
Federal 386,891,402 511,029,101
State 41,980,333 52,381,802
Other 122,298,683 128,275,366
TOTAL 551,170,418 691,686,269

Cumulative Award Amounts by Fiscal Year and Funding Source
As of 01/31/2025

Federal 149,799,357 135,660,547
State 42,750,420 37,590,539
Other 14,755,338 19,925,362
TOTAL 207,305,114 193,176,448

Proposal and Award Counts Comparison by Fiscal Year and Funding Source
As of 01/31/2025

Proposal Counts for FY24 & FY25
Monthly Comparison

Proposal Amounts for FY24 & FY25
Monthly Comparison

Award Counts for FY24 & FY25
Monthly Comparison

Award Amounts for FY24 & FY25
Monthly Comparison

Initial Federal Awards by Funding Source FY25 (in Millions)

Federal Awards by Funding Source FY25 (in Millions)

Count of Award Purpose FY25

Amount of Award Purpose FY25 (in Millions)