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An Improved Form of Human Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF-1)

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Principal Investigator:
Dr. Blaber

The creation of a mutant form of human acidic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-1) with improved stability and functional properties is a unique discovery with a very large potential target market. Angiogenesis therapy can be greatly enhanced by this new technology. The growth factor is formulated without heparin, which reduces cost and eliminates the potential for introducing other disease, such as BSE (Mad Cow Disease). Additionally, improvements in potency and functional half-life may significantly reduce the effective dosage

This is a cutting-edge “hidden design” protein engineering technique to enhance protein function while minimizing immunogenic potential.

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  • Can be injected at the site of a vascular blockage to cause the development of new vasculature to supply blood to previously hypoxic tissue
  • Treatment of patients with coronary artery disease
  • Therapy of ischemic limbs where there is a potential for both tissue and nerve regeneration
  • Enhanced wound-healing


  • More stable, has a longer half-life, and is 100 times more reactive than wild-type FGF-1
  • Because heparin is not used in the formulation, cost is reduced and safety is increased
  • Less dosage is required than FGF-1
  • Better controlled than FGF-1
  • Patent protection (unlike wild-type FGF-1)